Experienced, reliable, local mechanics
Victor Motors in Victor Harbor are your experienced and reliable motor vehicle repair and servicing specialists.
Our three qualified mechanics have a combined experience record of more than 80 years.
Victor Motors was first established in 1986 as Victor Motors and Autogas and has provided reliable and competitively priced mechanical services ever since.
The range of services includes:
• LPG – 10-year safety cylinder retesting, conversions and servicing;
• Warranty logbook servicing that won’t void your new car warranty;
• Regular vehicle servicing;
• Exhausts;
• Cooling system service and repairs;
• Brake service, checks and repairs;
• Suspension repairs and upgrades;
• Battery testing and replacement;
• Wheel alignment;
• Tyres and balancing; and, of course,
• General mechanical repairs.
The workshop is equipped to provide repairs and services to a wide range of vehicles including 4WDs, family cars, vans, utes, camper vans, small to medium motor homes and small to medium trucks.
Victor Motors is open 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
We are proud to be members of the Motor Trade Association and abide by their code of conduct.